Phase One

We seek to understand the nature of the problem through empathetic listening.

  • Interviews

  • Focus Groups

  • Surveys

Leadership Development

We collaboratively use the Design for Leading analysis tool to assess and understand keen areas for growth and development. We build a scope of learning, design sessions to develop leadership skills and behaviors, and facilitate sessions.

  • Assessment

  • Learning Design
  • Session Facilitation

Phase Two

We facilitate sense-making of the empathy interviews data with a Guiding Team that includes:

  • Leadership
  • Staff

  • Those experiencing the problem

Phase Two

We facilitate sense-making of the empathy interviews data with a Guiding Team that includes:

  • Leadership
  • Staff

  • Those experiencing the problem

Phase Three

We utilize a Design Sprint with the Guiding Team. 

  • We envision new solutions to the problem through rapid prototyping. 

  • The Guiding Team decides the best solution for implementation. 

  • We build out the solution and test it with the full staff for feedback.

Phase Three

We utilize a Design Sprint with the Guiding Team. 

  • We envision new solutions to the problem through rapid prototyping. 

  • The Guiding Team decides the best solution for implementation. 

  • We build out the solution and test it with the full staff for feedback.

Phase Four

Further support implementing the solution is provided based upon the needs of the team and the complexity of the solution.

Phase Four

Further support implementing the solution is provided based upon the needs of the team and the complexity of the solution.

Case Study

The Challenge

Student Belonging and Connectedness was at an all-time low after the pandemic caused students to be away from campus for 18 months.

The Solution

Mariah and a team of students, teachers, counselors, and leaders analyzed focus group data to pinpoint the root causes of disconnection and designed a solution inclusively.

The Outcome

Students involved in the process remarked how the process of being asked their opinion and included in the strategy-making led to increased sense of belonging.

We saw the effects of an issue at our school, but didn’t understand what was really at the root. Mariah’s approach helped us to engage stakeholders–students and staff–in diagnosing a precise problem to solve for. This helped to ensure that our time and energy were well spent addressing the root of the problem. 

Engaging with the experiences and voices of our students and staff helped to ensure that we were collectively responding to the situation, as opposed to implementing a top down approach that might have been misaligned to the needs of our community.”

Nicole Guillen

Assistant PrincipalAlliance Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School

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